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Author Archives: agnieszka
using your brain to get around
Boston can be a confusing place to drive, so thank goodness you’ve got all sorts of different cells in your brain to help you navigate your way. In a study published in the Sept. 11 Nature, Michael J. Kahana of … Continue reading
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invasion of the land plants
In 1066, the Norman invasion; in 1588, the Spanish Armada. Invasion dates: What would history books and trivia games be without them? And now perhaps a new date can be added to the annals: 470,000,000 BC, the date plants invaded … Continue reading
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monkeys like things fair and square
Just like humans, capuchin monkeys have been found to have a sense of fairness, say researchers from the Yerkes National Primate Research Center of Emory University in Atlanta. In their study, published in the Sept. 18 Nature, Sarah Brosnan and … Continue reading
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goodbye, galileo
NASA has set Galileo, the spacecraft that has been studying Jupiter and its moons since 1995, on a collision course with the planet, the crash to occur this Sunday. The craft, which is running low on fuel, is being directed … Continue reading
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attack of the dust bunnies from space
There’s a major influx of stardust in our solar system and it’s coming in at a rate three times faster than it did six years ago — and could triple again by 2013, according to measurements taken by the spacecraft, … Continue reading
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deep bass note from deep black hole
Astronomers reported last week that black holes can sing bass — in a manner of speaking. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, they have detected the deepest note in the universe, a B-flat being emitted by a massive black hole in … Continue reading
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can older adults take a joke?
Canadian researchers report in the September issue of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society that senior citizens can still enjoy a good joke — as long as it’s not too complicated. Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss, psychologists at the … Continue reading
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birds and bees of bees revealed
Using bees to explain the sexual behavior of humans has been found to be even more off the mark than you’d think. An international team of researchers report in the Aug. 22 issue of Cell that they have discovered the … Continue reading
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sponges of the fiber-optic kind
In yet another example of how Mother Nature got there first, a small deep-sea “glass” sponge has been shown to have “remarkable fiber-optical properties, which are surprisingly similar to those of commercial telecommunication fibers,” report researchers from Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies … Continue reading
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pavlov’s humans
Not unlike Pavlov teaching dogs to associate food with the sound of a bell, Jay Gottfried and colleagues from London’s Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience have taught humans to associate pictures with peanut butter or vanilla. As reported in the … Continue reading
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